How to maintain professional relationships?

Thallen Brassel, Founder & CEO of Lady Lunch Club

Thallen Brassel

Hi, I’m Thallen!

My name is Thallen Brassel, Esq. I am a graduate of Vanderbilt University (’06, B.S. Economics) and Duke University School of Law (’09, Juris Doctor). I have practiced corporate law in both New York City and Nashville, Tennessee, where I currently focus on marketing and internet law. I have a passion for networking and connecting people, and use it daily to promote my law practice and my small business, Lady Lunch Club, Inc.

Lady Lunch Club is a social enterprise, that creates content and events on personal development for professional women. We meet monthly to network over lunch at local restaurants, and to learn from successful speakers on a variety of topics. I was inspired to create Lady Lunch Club to help build my own professional network, and fortunately, the idea has resonated with other women professionals looking to promote their businesses and brands. We now have a community of over 1,000 women who help encourage each other to achieve personal and professional goals.

My experience

We’ve all heard the saying: “It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.” But, I challenge you to take it a step further to think about the actual quality of those relationships. It’s actually not who you know, but who knows you. I am an attorney and social media expert, so my job is to keep up with what’s happening on one of the most information-rich sources of our lifetime... the internet. The internet is a gold-mine for building and maintaining professional relationships with people all around the world. In fact, millions of businesses rely solely on the internet to develop all the human resources they need (from funding, to employees, to clients)

Over the course of my career, I have made it a point to connect with thousands of friends and colleagues via social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. These platforms allow me to keep up with milestones that I may not have otherwise known, and to chime in with a quick “hello” or “congratulations” to stay top-of-mind with people who have the potential to assist me in my future business endeavors.

5 steps to maintaining professional relationships

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