Day in the Life: Senior Account Supervisor at PR Agency

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April 12th, 2021

Job Title: Senior Account Supervisor
Type of Company: PR Agency
Yearly Salary: $90,000-$100,000
City: New York
Age: 27

Summary of your job:

I work with corporate clients across a variety of industries on their external communications strategies and execution. This includes everything from fostering media relationships on their behalf to developing multi-faceted campaigns that include influencer partnerships and content development.

What is your morning routine:

Although I’m over a year into working from home full-time, I’m still trying to perfect my “new” morning routine. While I’m no longer commuting, I try to give myself enough time to “mentally commute” to work. I take time to work out in the morning, watch the news or read my book like I would if I was taking the subway to work.

What are you doing at 9AM?

I’m working my way through emails, newsletter and any media alerts that came through since I logged off the day before.

What are you doing at 11AM?

I find that I’m most productive in the morning and around 11 I like to prep for any calls I have during the afternoon or tackle a larger task that I know I’m going to want to spend time with or revisit with fresh eyes in the afternoon. This can be anything from writing a blog post or developing a media strategy.

What do you do for lunch?

I work from home with my boyfriend and we take turns making lunch depending on our schedules. I don’t like to cook so tend to make something easy like a salad.

What are you doing at 2PM?

In the afternoon, I usually have a mix of client and internal meetings. We have these weekly internal meetings to touch base on priorities, brainstorm pitch topics, or discuss upcoming campaigns. When I’m not having these touch bases I can be moderating media interviews for one of our clients or drafting pitches for upcoming outreach.

What are you doing at 5PM?

I’m usually done with meetings and calls for the day and will use the time to clear my inbox. There are often times documents or emails I need to review for teammates, and I like to work through everything before I sign off for the day.

Do you usually work late? 

Not always. It’s often dependent on how productive I am throughout the day and how much I need to (or want to) get ahead for the next day.

What is one thing you wish you knew about your industry? 

When I was first starting out, I saw impact and success only through the lens of media coverage. As I was able to expand my role, I saw how agencies can deliver a lot more value - in addition to focusing on media. I’ve had the chance to work on influencer campaigns, internal employee communications and events on behalf of my clients and see how valuable our prospective is from the agency for these initiatives and programs.

What is your favorite thing about the work you do?

I feel extremely fortunate to have colleagues that I enjoy working with every day. I am invested in their success and them in me. I constantly learn new things from them and value their support tremendously.

A piece of advice for people entering this field?

Keep an open mind when starting out about the types of industries and clients you want to work with. Look for a role that allows you to gain exposure to a variety of clients with different scopes of support. It’s through hands on experience that you can be able to make an informed decision about where your strengths and interests lie.

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